Based in Toronto, Canada, Nancy Matsumoto is a writer and editor who covers sustainable agriculture, food, sake, arts and culture.

Spanish Cat Shows Off Talent for Camo

So we were walking along the back side of one of the buildings of the University of Seville when we spotted this cat, cleverly camouflaged as it sunned itself at the end of a drain pipe in a moat wall.

The moat once protected the beautiful building above it, erected during the 18th century to house the Real Fabrica de Tabacos (Royal Tobacco Factory). There, three-quarters of Europe's cigars were rolled on the thighs of more than 3,000 impertinent cigarreras (female cigar-makers), our guidebook informed us.

The moat and the building's watchtowers are proof of how much those cigars were worth. Now, though, the moat is dry and this kitty probably thinks its main function it to protect her prime lounging nook. The below photo gives you a sense of splendid isolation and noblesse oblige she must feel when installed there; she's the real winner of the Spanish War of Succession.  

At Barcelona's Llamber, Savoring Spring Green Onions

In Andalusia, On the Hunt for Salmorejo