Based in Toronto, Canada, Nancy Matsumoto is a writer and editor who covers sustainable agriculture, food, sake, arts and culture.

The West Village Celebrates El Dia de los Muertos

For some reason, the owner of the House of Cards & Curiosities on 8th Avenue between Jane and W. 12th Streets really loves Frida Kahlo. In addition to a large image of her face that's always in view in the store's display window, the owner mounts a killer Day of the Dead display every year around All Souls Day. Here's one little portion of it. You can't see her, but Frida's head, painted on a beaded curtain, undulates above, looking a little sadder than usual. The store really is a house of curiosities. In addition to lots of cool Mexican and Peruvian stuff, it carries Retablos, Indonesian skull boxes, tin toys, and fossil ivory carvings from Bali. Happy All Soul's Day!

On Subway Buskers and Photography

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