Based in Toronto, Canada, Nancy Matsumoto is a writer and editor who covers sustainable agriculture, food, sake, arts and culture.

Writing on eating disorders

In early 2011, I edited the over 60 informational handouts that NEDA makes available to the public, streamlining them and bringing them up to date with latest research findings.  

In the fall of 2010, an online project that I assembled and wrote, the National Eating Disorders Association's Coach and Trainer Toolkit, launched to gratifyingly positive feedback. Eating disorders are a fact of life among high school and college athletic teams. This toolkit is designed to educate coaches and trainers so they can recognize early signs of eating-disordered behavior among their athletes, understand the serious physical consequences of such behaviors, and collaborate effectively with parents and treatment professionals. The goal is to get the athlete back onto the playing field, court or arena as quickly as possible. I was lucky to be able to work with a great team of experts from academic institutions, treatment centers and athletic organizations. We tried to emphasize prevention at the middle school level, since early awareness can help athletes avoid the types of wrenching experiences I heard about from former college and Olympic athletes.

On Japanese American food culture