Following the Jola traditions of Gambia, and made possible by the region’s warming climate, Nfamara Badjie is cultivating rice in an unusual setting—and harvesting to the rhythm of the African drum.
Following the Jola traditions of Gambia, and made possible by the region’s warming climate, Nfamara Badjie is cultivating rice in an unusual setting—and harvesting to the rhythm of the African drum.
"The focal point of book is the struggle against the negative effects of concentrated wealth and power that just happen to play out in the Central Valley in land, water, and the food system. The same dynamic is happening all over the world.
“We are on the first plane to pop the Atlantic bubble when it opens up to the nation on Canada Day.” Traveling to St. John’s and Fogo Island, on the far east coast of North America.
Industrial farming drained wealth from rural America. In his new book, Meter says community food systems can repair the damage.
A sampling of voices from across the restaurant supply chain reveals how the pandemic has altered lives, laying bare both the inequities and strengths of the Canadian restaurant ecosystem.